Sunday, April 24, 2011

Wow, that was a tough 8 miles!!

Ok so I stuck to the plan, I did the 8 miles, I did not pay attention to the pace or time (ok well I did, but i did not let it frustrate me) but I finished it off in a little over an hour and 10 min. Mistakes made.... 1) went out way WAY too fast...tried to catch it along the way, it is really hard for me though. 2) went out way WAY WAY too late (again). I'm telling you, if you don't get out before 6AM the sun and the heat are just a killer!! I maintained a heart rate of about 156bpm, that I did keep track of, so despite the differences in pace and time, I am still maintain my heart rate. Good ideas: 1) I brought water along with me! I cant wait till my HEED arrives, I am hoping the GNC here carries it (or something like it). the water here, I am not sure why, it just does not seem to refresh or quench a thirst, might just be perception though. I don't know if I will try a distance longer than 6 miles here without water. I am starting to see many more runners around, especially on the weekend mornings. The restaurants along Gurney are packed on Sunday morning, so the food smells are just...Intense!! Got my new Road ID with the Penang address and Rox's Penang phone #'s on it in case I end up under any number of assorted vehicular transportation options. It really was a good run today, i am hoping to have my new T7's by my May 10K (Thank you Mandy and Mom Mary). Well it was a good day, a good run, and looking forward to some pool work tomorrow and starting to get back in the Gym by the 1st of May!! Until tomorrow loyal reader!! RUN HAPPY!!

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