Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Monday off, Tuesday 6.

So I am frustrated and I wanted to take Monday off to get my head on strait. Tuesday I wanted to see how my heart rate was, and figured if that was still in a good range. So i headed out for an easy 6 miles, and found that I am not  hitting my optimal range any longer. My average HR on this run which was 6 miles at an 8:26 pace over 50:min...was 141, my maximum was 161....I really need to be more in the 150 - 170 range, and i always was...so this is a blow, I have to figure out how to push harder longer and get that heart rate up...going to be a chore with the heat and the humidity, it needs to get done though. Other than that I felt good today, thought i ran well, was more consistent in my pacing, not so much variation...Overall i ran happy...

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Terrible 6...

Well the plan was to do 10 miles today, but the body and mind were just not on the same page...I am tired, plain and simple, my hydration is bad, and i need to figure out (still) how to get some nutrition in before a run, without having it be at 8:30am. It was just not working this morning, lots of starts and stops, my heart rate zones were off, and although my pace was ok, it should have been better. I have had better runs. I am thinking of going out again tomorrow and see what happens. I am just not in a good space right now mentally, I am hoping that working with the Hansons will help. Ok so off of all the depressing feeling sorry for myself crap...My running clothes stink, i mean really smell, even after washing them...I have got to find a way to get the stank off of them...I have heard that there are some products out there that will help...i will let you know if I do find any!! anyway, that is it for me today. Run Happy loyal reader!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday...Garmin is down

So I got all ready to head out and run this AM, and turned on my Garmin to find that it was out of battery?? I must have accidentally turned it on and not noticed, because it does not run out of battery that quickly...I am hoping this is not an issue I am now going to have to contend with...I LOVE my 305...I am not sure what I would do without it, and yes I have and do run without being wired in, it is just something i need to do right now, as I work towards getting back to my normal pace. I also really need the heart monitor, as I have become more dependent on HR during my trainings...to just make sure that although I am not pacing how i used to, I am still in a good HR zone. Anyway, the point of all this rambling is that I did not run today, because I am a horrible old cow!!! and because my Garmin was broken...or the other way around either way....horrible old cow and broken Garmin were the reasons!! Loyal reader I will be back on the road tomorrow morning... mooing along with the satellites to guide me!! Run Happy!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Does 5.6 miles count??

Well I don't think it does...I got out late though and as you know loyal reader...what happens after 8:30am...that's right, its hotter than blue hell!! Guess what...i got out after 8:30...there was a bit of a breeze and it felt cooler for part of the run, but i think that was my mind playing tricks on me. I was able to get some even splits which is good, and maintain a nice 8:25 pace pretty much throughout. My right foot really started to give me fits over the last 1.5 miles though, so i thought about running the last .6 miles, but decided that I was better off being able to go out again tomorrow that fighting for that last .6 miles...see old age does bring intelligence...just not constantly, for example; I don't seem to ever be able to find my keys, and have begun looking in the freezer for them. I felt good otherwise and am able to increase the amount of time I am able to spend in my Garmin zone 8, i am up to about 3 -4 min now, and it was only like 1-2 when I got here. there are improvements, I just want to get back down to my 7's in pace so I can start making a better showing in some of these races! Well I ran happy today and to you loyal reader, I hope you run happy too (channeling Mr. Rodgers!).

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Rained out!

Ok, so the plan was for another six today and then another six Thursday, another 6 Friday, then a 4 Saturday and a long run on Sunday...The rain did not hear of my plan though and had its own ideas. I could tell it was going to get cranked up this morning and I was glad I did not head out, it got nasty for a while, and I cant trust the rain here yet...I just don't know it well enough...I have seen it across the room, but I don't have the nerve to talk to it yet, you know what i mean? Anyway, what I mean is that I am not sure if it is going to be just a light rain, or a downpour...light rain i can deal with, downpour is another story...so I was grounded today and I will take another shot tomorrow! My foot hurts again though...not good! Run Happy you all!! loyal reader, until tomorrow!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Evening run.

Well I just could not get my ass going this morning, at all, so I waited until Rox got home, and went around 5:30pm. Headed up to the botanical gardens with the intention of doing some hill repeats, and getting in my 10k for the day. Well the monkeys were everywhere, I mean it was full on Monkey domination in the gardens...I have never seen so many!! Lots of runners out too, some big groups running through the gardens and using them as a jump off spot. It was a good run, I am really concerned about my breathing, I seem to be gasping, and I am not sure if that is due to the temperature and humidity alone. I am thinking it might be time to see a doctor and find out if there is anything physically wrong with me. My legs feel fine, but I just cant get my breathing under control. would be nice to have a coach here that could tell me what to do...I may have to try and video a run and see if I could send it to Luke at Hanson's training, just to see what I could do to improve my breathing!! It was a good run, I maintained a good pace and got in some hills! I ran happy!! Thanks loyal reader!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

New Fanatics uniform

Happy Fathers Day!!
Ok so today was a day off, i figured with Rox off early this morning on her photog trip and it being Fathers day, I would spend it with Brenna! My new Trek is itching for a ride though, so it may not be too long before i have it out!! so I wanted to share with you the new Brooks Fanatics uniform shirts, they were just posted for order and I am glad i got mine quickly, because the medium is already out of stock, this will be a package that I am going to try and have my mom deliver ASAP, would love to wear this or my Hanson's uniform for some of the races upcoming!! Run Happy loyal reader, Run Happy!!

Saturday long run

Ok so this was supposed to be 10 miles, i could only manage 8.5...I was just out of gas at about 7 and pushed it to get the other 1.5. I really need to focus not only on hydration but on nutrition as well...I just don't know how to do it effectively when I am getting up and out by 5:30...I would have to get up at 4:30 to make sure that i did not throw up whatever I made myself...so I am going to have to come up with a better routine. anyway, other than losing 1.5 miles off my goal, i ran well, pacing was good and I discovered that there are "dark zones" for my GPS where it loses its mind...I had to turn it off and then back on again during the beginning of this run because it had me doing 4 min miles...I cannot or will not ever be able to do a 4 min mile. It was a nice run, down past the Easter and Orient hotel, along the Penang Esplanade, past the Pier, and the bus terminal. A good run...I was ok with it!! I ran happy!! I hope loyal reader that you will run happy also.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Foot feels better.

I think the run actually helped my foot, or i am just a glutton for punishment, anyway, tomorrow morning will be my long run, since Rox has her photo tour on Sunday AM, really early...I don't feel like getting up at 4:00am just to get a run in, so better to do it today and then, may be Sunday go in the evening for a shorty!! Run Happy!!

6 Miles...I should have stayed home...

Ok so during my friendly football game yesterday, I did something to my foot, I cannot quite figure out exactly what it is but it is a sharp pain when I pronate and both flex and extend...anyway, scientific crap aside, it hurts and I thought I could go out easy today and be fine, and I was wrong, the first time I rolled my foot a bit on some bumpy pavement I was in agony...i kept running, up the first hill...agony...kept running...it would start to feel a bit better and then I would do something to tweek it again. I finished the 6 miles that I wanted to do, but I may not be able to go back out tomorrow, and I am hearing the voices of those that I have run with in the past saying, "dont be stupid", "rest", with as much pain as I am in right now I will heed the advice. I am happy in one sense that my running did not cause the injury, but sad in another as I was hoping to really stack up this week. Saturday morning looks like the ticket!
Really sad to miss the group run on sunday morning, but may be able to bring brenna down to the durianthon afterwards...we will see!! Loyal reader, Run Happy!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

5 miles and a look ahead

So, for Tuesday I decide to do a nice easy 5 and get some recovery in from Sunday, prepare for a more intense Wednesday and then end the week really strong...it was a nice easy 5, although the training programs seems to have shorted it, the watch said 5, while the training stuff says 4.96...not sure what that is about, but its a 5 mile in my book. Anyway that was my Tuesday, for Wednesday i was more about looking ahead to my training program, with Hanson's, I decided to take today as an easy day, my two easy days done, and a good solid pace watching run every day for the rest of the week, a 6 mile run Thursday, a 6 mile run Friday, and short run Saturday...I'm thinking between 3 and 4, and then the long run Sunday...I want to see if I can handle that intense a schedule without ending up injured, or dead...so i am committed this week to up the traing by a bit and see what i can do. Loyal reader, if I make it to Sunday morning I will be a happy guy, or a really sore guy, or a really dead guy!! Run Happy!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

true rest day.

I have taken rest days here in penang, but mostly that means that I am not running that day, but there is usually some core stuff I will do or a short walkabout. Today I slept and slept hard most of the day.I think my body needed it. so another 6miles tomorrow. Loyal reader I hope the summer finds you well and you are able to avoid the heat and enjoy your running...the heat here is non stop and i am beginning to adjust and Run Happy!

Monday, June 13, 2011


So today was supposed to have been my Komtar tower run, I decided that instead of doing that, I would join in on the I-Run group 15K run. I decided against the tower run for a few reasons, the first that I have never been much of a "stairs" runner...give me a nice flat Florida road and I'm good, so the idea of 60 floors was not appealing. The second being that my hamstring finally feels like it has healed, so I did not want to screw it all up again for one race, in other words the consequences outweigh the benefits. The last reason is that a good portion of the running group was not doing the race, so I could not hook in for a ride, so that meant taking a cab, which meant having to try and get one back, which meant having to leave my stuff somewhere, I would actually worry about it less here than in the states. I felt good with my decision to not go. So then it was a short run from home up to the youth park, about 1.2 miles, of which about 1/4 of I was waiting for my GPS to come up. Once at the youth park it was a nice run down to the Penang Esplanade, past the E&O Hotel...I shorted the run about 1/2 mile as I knew I had the run up to the youth park mileage and the run back home mileage. I really did not want to start pushing 10+ just yet. So the bulk of the run was about 8 miles with another two tacked on at the end. Really good pace to begin with, following a few of the faster members of the group...then I just dialed it back to insure that I could try (I said try) for some negative splits. The run went well for me, I felt good, hamstring did not crap out! The problem, if I could say there was one, was the Accelerade, made by Pacific Health Labs. I have never used any pre race or in race energy drink accept HEED, by Hammer Nutrition. I love HEED, i have never had any stomach issues with HEED and always felt that it helped me to maintain stamina, it tasted good, and was not as sugary as some of the energy nutrition drinks are (In my opinion). I cannot however get HEED here, no one can ship it here including Hammer Nutrition....I think. So I found Accelerade at a local GNC and figured I would give it a shot...mistake...I felt like puking most of the run, continued to burp the stuff up throughout, and generally did not feel any real benefit from it. So not sure what to do now, I will just stick with water, although as I have said the filtered and mineral water here does not feel as though it refreshes...that might be a mental thing though. So the run went well and for an overall 9.9 mile run, I managed 1:20...about an 8:35 pace, which is good especially when the Hansons program calls for anywhere from 1 to 1.5 M/m greater than intended race pace...I think 7:30 is doable for me in the heat here, just not yet obviously. I am really enjoying this part of my running adventure and look forward to more races and runs with this group of passionate and welcoming runners. Well loyal reader, Run Happy!!

Day off Saturday.

So today was supposed to have been an extra day for me a short run, but we slept in...I think we all needed it, and good thing too because a few hours out in the sun at the dragon boat races was enough to zap a good deal of energy...Run Happy.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Friday morning 6 miles.

So it was a good run today.i am trying to mix in some faster 1/4 miles, and doing the odd, well from here to that intersection i am going to do sub 6:50's. I think the more i push within my easier runs the better it will be for me in the long run. I have been looking at my Hansons Training program for the Penang Marathon, and it is really intense. i am hoping that with Brenna out of school, i can get my ass out of bed, or join the group that meets at 5:30 pm, and run that way. Either way i have to make this work, I want to do this 1/2 in like 1:40:00, that would take 8 min off of my best time, and i think in the 7:30's would be doable. I can train in the low 8's now if i push, so its possible. I have found out that so far in the two races i have been in i have been in the top 30, which I don't think is too bad, and i am not that far off of the podium finishers times, so with some continued work...I should be doing ok. I miss my Heed though, and there are no Hammer Nutrition products sold here at all...going to try accelerade, but i have heard bad things about it, so I am going to go easy on it to begin with and cut it with a lot of water. Run Happy!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I died...not really...

That's what it felt like, after I dropped Brenna off at the bus, I came back up, laid down for what i thought would be a quick 5 min, and next thing I knew it was two hours later...I just needed the sleep. I have learned one thing by my running experience, and this one thing I have learned from runners fast and slow, experienced and inexperienced...."listen to your body" and "never underestimate the power of rest!!" so that is what I did today, and rescheduled my run for tomorrow and Saturday...i am not going to be too concerned with this Tower run...i may take the street run part serious and then just make my way up the tower...i really do not want to hurt myself. I have also been looking at a 12K in Putrajaya, that is near Kuala Lumpur...there is a group from here that is going...I am hopeful that I can still register...I am not sure if the registration is closed...crossing my fingers on that one!! Well anyway, Thank you loyal reader, Run Happy!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

recovery 6.

Ok, so I really did take it slow today, almost a 9:00 pace...I could have gone longer than 6, but decided that I would try and squeeze in 4 may be 5 days this week. I love running up to and through the botanical gardens. The hills are fun to run up (sometimes) and even more fun to run down (sometimes). It was hot towards the end of the run, as I AGAIN waited too long to go out. The big run the weekend is the komtar tower run, a 1.5 mile street run and the up 60 stories...should be fun!! I will let you know which floor my hamstrings and quads fell off at!! Run Happy!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Pictures from this weekend.

Rest day today, little walk about this morning, but nothing to write home about...so I figured I would blog about it...go figure!! anyway, was a great time this weekend, Sunday's race was a blast. there are more pictures from the day coming in with all the runners group photogs filing on FB. so here is a collection!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Rasa Sayang Beach/Road Race 05/06/2011.

So, I want to comment on a few things in this post, the first being the kindness shown to me by the runners here in Penang. I needed a ride this morning, and had no trouble getting a friend from one of the groups, James to give me a lift. Good conversation about our time here in Penang thus far, and the running competitions here in Malaysia. That kindness continued throughout the day, there were handshakes and congrats all around, and the group was celebrating anther's birthday...I was more than included, I was made to feel a part of, and can they celebrate and have a good time?? Yes, yes they can, and do, made for a really great day!

The next thing I want to cover is my running, today it was poor, poor pace management (although I expected a 6K as advertised, but got an 8K). I went out way to fast and then got intimidated when the race went longer than I expected, and I had nothing left for the last 800 meters on the sand. The sand was tough, I have run 1 beach race before, only a 5K and my pace suffered, but the sand was very different, in Clearwater, FL, it was had packed and had a shell base, here it was very loose and powdery, even down by the breakwater. so it was tough to run in! I just did not prepare well for today and got ate up by the beach, and not being properly prepared to pace at the correct distance. Ok so that's it with the complaining...bottom line is that I am losing a minuet off my overall pace. The last thing is my new Brooks T7's. I had the T6's before them, and other than initially not getting the correct size and dealing with blisters and blown out toes, I loved my T6's. The mid foot to forefoot transition is awesome, and I am a forefoot striker. The T7's, in my opinion are an upgrade for sure, i love the anatomical lacing, and although some have complained about the heel cup, I love the fit of the shoe overall, the toe box is roomy (as it was in the T6) the transition is still excellent, and with a race like today, with the sand, and the water, I found the the shoe still felt very light when it was wet (I stepped in the ocean quite a few times) and I did not have any problems with the sand rubbing along my ankles. I just love the performance of the shoe, and It looks really cool as well!! so the final abysmal reckoning...5.12 miles (8.24km) in 42:03:32...pace at 8.12 (5.06). Uggggg. Well loyal reader, I was not happy today, although I did run happy for most of the race...I will look forward to the day when I can get back to my normal pacing! Run Happy!!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

another day of rest...it was needed.

I think one of the most important pieces of advice I got when I started running was the importance of rest and recovery. I have now taken 3 days off...I feel recharged and refreshed (and a little anxious if I don't mind saying) and with a race tomorrow...little 6K, but part of it is on the beach...I should be able to perform pretty well!! Run Happy loyal reader!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Off Day, little core work.

Well I warned you...nothing really going on today...little core workout...Saturday will be the next run for me...Run Happy!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

old yeller was PISSED!!

Well the morning began a bit rainy, but it was light, and "the cloud", now officially re-named "La Nube" (isn't it cool how if you translate something to Spanish...even something simple like "cloud" it adds awesomeness by a factor of like 1 million!) Anyway..I decided to go out, it would be cooler (maybe) with the rain, and I was right, today was possibly my faster training 6 miles, since I arrived in Penang. That is only part of the story though...As I was coming back down from the botanical gardens, onto Jalan Kelawi, I had to stop to fix my shoe, well my sox acctually...I wore the wrong ones today and I was getting a blister just below my...sorry guys...ankle bone. Well I did not even notice that Old Yeller, from here on officially re-named Evil Yeller. was sitting right beside me...well I don't think he liked me being there...he barked then started toward me teeth bared and growling...Oh crap...what to do, walk slowly away and get close enough to a tree so that I can climb it if this reject from Lady and the Tramp starts to go mental. Thankfully he did not...I was wondering when one of these strays that is around was going to take a dislike to me and well TODAY was that day...so I am thinking that I will stick to my new favorite route, up to the gardens and through the kids park, and over the river and through the woods...So home again without a scratch, and i have a new canine best friend, who probably spent the afternoon texting all of his peeps, to put the word out and the skinny guy from Florida...It was a good run, all kidding aside, I felt good, and I think I am feeling better every time I go out...cool!! Well Loyal reader, Brenna has off from school the next two days, so unless I get up at the crack of dawn, I will be doing very little running, unless I meet one of the 5:30 groups, after Rox gets home from work...we will see...I still have Saturday and a race Sunday. Until I have something to post again...Run Happy!!!