Thursday, November 24, 2011

So the Florida runner is now the Florida walker, but it is far better than the Florida crutcher. I have been in the gym now for a month and things are improving a great deal in my opinion. It is not easy taking off the extra weight i have put on (about 5 lbs) but I am getting stronger for sure. So Penang Bridge Marathon has passed and i am disappointed but not that much, i am more hopeful for February to arrive and the opportunity to run again is just around the corner. Rox brought up an interesting point though and that is the minimalistic shoes i have run in from time to time. i mean the Saucony Kinvara is not a true minimal but its not that far away, I also have trained and raced in the Brooks T7 and i have just gotten some green silences and the new Pure Project connects from Brooks as well. i also continue to train regularly in my Brooks Launch, it has been my go to training shoe for a few years now. I think when I do go back it will be a slow transition and i may begin on some trail runs and something less of a pounding than a road run. I feel like I can still handle the shoes i have always trained in, again I just need to transition slowly. So I am happy to be nearing the end of this recovery and getting back to the original purpose for this blog, running in Penang. I cant wait!! Run Happy Loyal reader!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

So this past weekend was the "Rock to Rock" run, held at the Hard Rock Hotel here in Penang.The run was only 3.8 KM and I thought seriously about walking it and when my nfriend Hoay Jen handed me a bib #...I almost could not resist, but I was good and stayed on the sidlines. My photo skills sucked today, could not get one good shot and missed my friend Thuan Lin Goh finishing all together. Despite all that it was really good to see all my friends...I have felt very isolated as of late, as I dont do their normal LSD run on sunday andmore and I have missed a ton of races. Everyone ran really well and the big race for all of them is this weekend, at least for me it was going to be a big one, The Penang Bridge Marathon. This was one I was looking forward to for sure and it is dissapointing to be missing it, but next year is always there. The fun part about the race this past weekend was the costume contest...I guess it was a nod to Holloween, but there were seperate prizes for best costume, and I-Run represented in grand style, really added to the fun of the event....If they do it next year, I am going as Captain America, or Santa Claus. Anyway a fun day for sure, great to see everyone, and great to be on my feet without was a hattrick Sunday for sure...Run Happy Loyal reader!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Blessings and Curses.

Well I got my race kit for what I was hoping was going to be my fastest 1/2 marathon yet, The Penang Bridge Marathon (half marathon for me) This was a race I was so excited about, it is an international race and seems to be the premier race here in Penang! I had one 1/2 under my belt and it was within like the first year that i started running, and I did that one in I was really looking at like a 1:40, maybe even a 1:35...So I got with the Hanson's training programs, got Luke, who is supposed to be the best and was just about to begin the training when the accident happened...That day was both a blessing and a curse...I got to spend time with friends which was a blessing, but this soon to be 6 month ordeal has been nothing but a curse. Here is why...I figured, well 3 months of healing and then another 3 months of rehab and by January or February I will be ready to go...not so fast big guy!! As it turns out the 6 months will be healing only, i found out yesterday at my most recent doctor visit, that I can now walk (blessing) but there does not seem to be new bone around the fracture site, so I now have till the end of January before I can do any weight bearing exercises (Curse...curse curse curse!!). I really am having trouble with all of this delay...I mean your average fracture should take 6-8 weeks to heal, then another 6-8 weeks of rehab, so why 6 months for this...Maybe its the fact that I am a runner so I will be putting this joint through much more trauma than the usual person...not sure but I am really trying to practice sucks!!
So I figure with continued work in the gym, and a good training regimen now, I should be able to get back to form by March or April...its the cardio that concerns me, i have not run now since July, and although i have been on the stationary bike (40-45 min) It just not the same. Every little bit will help though, i just have to focus on not overdoing it now that I know I am allowed to walk. I need to stay consistent and pray that there are no further setbacks...looks like the Penang Bridge will have to be a goal for next year, and  Great Wall Marathon will have to wait, as well....Run Happy loyal reader!!