Monday, October 29, 2012

Rock to Rock Run, Hard Rock Hotel, Penang..28 October 2012

Well last year for this race, I had just been allowed to begin weight bearing I was not really crutches free, but I was close. It was nice to be at this one and be able to run...I Got a ride in from my friend Thuan. The event asks folks to dress up...i think its a bit for Halloween and just a bit for fun...This year people went all out, there were some really good ones. I have been trying to use races as a test to see what i can do and how fast i can go...this one was a really bad one to try that with...i managed 3 miles in 23:00, and 4 miles in 31...the last 2 miles stunk though...I ended up at 51 and change...Not bad for the first run in a week, but the 10k which used to be my go to race has started to become my worst...I did really well in the Tri-Factor in Singapore earlier this year and now each successive 10k has been worse by 1 min. I think i am racing too much and not training enough. Anyway I was thankful to have some I-run friends around in those last 2 miles to push me along, but I still was not at my best. Good friends and a good time makes up for it though! Anyway, now I really need to kick up my training so i can do well at Penang Bridge 1/2...Still have a few weeks to go. Run Happy loyal reader.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The North Face Singapore 25k, 13 October 2013.

Well I have to say one thing about this race, going in i knew i was not ready, I had no idea though what I was not ready for...In other words, although I could see a copy of the race course, i had never been to the MacRichie area of Singapore, so I really had no idea of the terrain. So easy flight, nice hotel, not far from the race venue, easy packet pickup, at The North Face store in Marina Bay Shopping center. I had some time to wander too, so i did...I enjoy Singapore because it is so easy to get around, The MRT rocks and there is a mall to wander around everywhere...its just EXPENSIVE!! I was also able to negotiate a ride in the transport bus from the hotel to the race, the only problem (if you could call it that) was the trip back. So the morning of the 13th dawned early, but not too early which made me a bit nervous to begin with, Singapore is generally hotter than Penang, and at 8:00am its going to be brutal. I thought that under the tree cover it would be cool...I would discover later, i was wrong. The van from the hotel was 1/2 hour late, so i was already stressing. Got to the venue no problem. Got checked in, got some hydration, and some Heed, and by the time I got in a bit of a warm was time to go. So the course begins on pavement, and then it passes over the concrete walkways of the park, and then you are on the trail, and with the amount of rain that had happened in the last few days, it was pretty rough, muddy and slippery, however it was also beautiful...a really really nice course...sorta made you forget you were in Singapore, which is a really hustle bustle city. I found I was doing ok through the first 6-7 miles, I would stop at the hydration stations, and try and take the uphills slow...There was a tough downhill right around 6 miles and I felt something pop on that and after that I had some trouble...It was run a 1/2 mile, walk another 1/4...Then the stomach cramps began at around 8 miles, those passed. What did not pass was this weird dizziness...I was only dizzy when my heart rate came I'm not sure if it was dehydration, salt deficiency or just my body being weird...anyway, that, did not pass and no matter what I did, it did not that is something i need to look out for, because it happened to me during another race...half marathon...I'm going to try some salt pills and see what happens. The final thing that was crappy was that I really did not spend enough time wearing the hydration vest. i have always had problems with my right shoulder complex, and the weight of the pack, although minimal, really did a number on my right shoulder and neck, to the point where at around 12 miles, i had to take it off...So needless to say this was not one of my best efforts...I think the course intimidated me a bit, i was on unfamiliar ground (I had only done one other trail run before this and it was a 5k), and I really did not prepare well for what this race was, which was TOUGH. I know its only 25k and that does not sound like much, but in the heat and over uneven terrain, uphill downhill most of the way...It was not easy. So I finished in just above 3:15 watch said 3:16...the race timing had me at 3:27...i think...not sure why that is as it did not take me 15 min to get to the start... I finished though and that is an accomplishment for me, especially when a year ago I was still not able to run, and had just started weight bearing. So my North Face experience is over and i am thankful for it. I would not do this race again. not because it was poorly run, it was very well run, not because of anything other than i just did not enjoy it... Trail running is not a strength. Well next is a holiday in Cambodia and some much needed rest...i am feeling tired and run down, so it might be just what I need...Next on the running calender, the Rock to Rock 10k...should be fun! Run happy loyal reader!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

KRI Annual Road Race, Ipoh Malaysia.

I was really looking forward to this race as my recent races had been longer distances, and it was nice to have a little 10k to break it up a bit. The race included a 1/2 marathon (solo) and a 1/2 marathon coed relay...I was really missing my beautiful athletic wife as I would have loved to do the relay...could not seem to find a partner, I know Rox would have run with me. Anyway, This was fun...its not often as an adult you can re-create old memories and re-live a bit of the past. I remember college hockey road trips and how much fun it was...stuffing way to many people into the car, local food and being with your friends (missing your wife and daughter was never a part of the history, but things change as we all know...) Trip was fun, a bit cramped...Hotel was nice, newer and simple, but nice. Ipoh is very nice, has a small town feel.

The food was amazing...I have never eaten grilled pig intestine before...its pretty good (Andrew Zimmern aint got nothing on this guy). The small expo at the race site/hotel, was not too bad...My friend Karen Geh had her shop as a sponsor "My Triathlon Shop", there was also Soleus Watches, a fuel additive company (bit of an odd sponsor, especially when this idiot almost drank the stuff thinking it was a human energy drink...duh!!) few other health and wellness/running gear dealers and of course Brooks Malaysia, who was one of the title sponsors of the cool to see that "Run Happy" logo halfway around the world!!

Thankfully this was a later morning race again, which meant that i could get some sleep. So the day dawned warm and a bit wet, not too bad though. The I-run group as well as other Penang running groups had runners involved in both the 10k, 1/2 marathon solo, and the relay, so there was plenty to watch. got to see the half marathoners go and then had about another 20min or so before the 10k went...I started way too fast, I was able to dial back, but I felt good so i kept up the speed to long and cramped up at about 8k or so.

Finished in 48:10 by my watch, official time was 48:55...i think...not sure what the 1min difference was...might have been the time in the Que...not sure. I was disappointed, i would like to improve with every effort and this was a step back. I was hoping for top 20 in division, got 21st...also hoping for top 50 overall got 63rd...well there is always the next race. The groups and individuals from Penang did really well, many placings and trophy's...I have to say this though, just because I am generally sarcastic and if placed in a position where i feel like it, i can be downright obnoxious...So for you, person who I complimented on running a great race...I realize that a relay is a team effort, I am not an idiot (except when it comes to automotive fuel additives). In fact Relay is a noun, middle English in origin, with its original meaning "set of fresh hounds" as in from the hunt. It derives from the word "relayen". I am not sure what your problem is exactly, most people when complimented say "thank you"...i guess for you that's too much trouble, I thought you to be a friend...i guess i was in the future I will say nothing, your loss.
Ok now that that is out of the way...It really was a great time and I met some new friends. Overall it was a memorable experience and that is really why I truly am enjoying this Malaysian experience. I will never forget these times, and although I express disappointment about timing and such, that is the competitive me, and that will always be a part of it. The bigger part is the experience and the memory, the balance that is achieved in memories you hold dear with your family and with your friends. Thanks loyal reader, "Run Happy!"


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

From my side of the start line...



Ok so it was a post from a relative (cuz Melanie many thanks) that prompted me to this post...I was a bit bigger than i am today. At my biggest I was 190lbs...try stacking that on a 5'6" frame and I was, well...fat. I was playing Ice Hockey at that time, something I had done for a good portion of my life, and for me I felt I was healthy. i never went to the gym, i just skated 3-4 days a week and felt that as long as i could play my position well (goaltender), win games and generally gain the respect from both teammates and opponents...I was ok. Well for a long time i had achieved that, there came a time though when the reaction time slowed, the technique was poor and in general I was just not as good as I had been, could have been due to age, more than likely it was my weight (again about 190). So, motivated by my loving and beautiful wife, who was running regularly at that time and looked fantastic (not that she has ever looked anything but!). She also said, you are getting unhealthy...i think that was when my size 34 waist pants did not fit and i had to go to a 38...So I started riding my bike, stopped the fast food and junk eating, and began to think about what I ate...that cut some of the weight, but not enough, so i started to run as well. At that point the weight just dripped off, and in the meantime, this was something i could share with my wife and with Brenna.

Now, I weigh a comfortable 147lbs, and I run more out of the enjoyment than for weight loss. On my frame, any thinner and i would begin to look unhealthy, in my opinion. I have also done regular core exercise, usually 3 days a week and I eat smarter, although the full on healthy routine is more difficult here in Penang, as i have not followed through on locating the things i would normally eat and, its just not that easy to find everything. I, or rather we do our best though. So where is this walk down memory lane going you say and what does all this have to do with cuz Melanie...I will tell you.
Overweight is not necessarily unhealthy and its important that we teach our children and ourselves good healthy eating habits, not teach them that looking like "barbie dolls" is what health means. the media processed images of what is healthy or good looking are often manufactured and not realistic. So what is healthy/healthy weight?? Well I will attempt to pass on what I have learned, from educating myself through reading, both on the Internet and real books (yes they still make those). Webinars, and info from learned colleagues who have helped me along the way. Healthy weight has long been debated by the nutrition experts. For a long time, BMI (Body Mass Index) was the all important number, more significant than the number you see when you step on the scale every day, however most of the current research that is being done has begun to see BMI as more a starting point than an end all save all number. The main reason is that muscle is denser than fat, so a healthy person could be considered overweight by their BMI score.UGH!! so what I do is use that number as a start point, make sure and get a physical yearly, and do the best I can to practice a healthy life style. For me, the best, and simplest definition of "healthy lifestyle" is,"Move more, eat less, turn off the TV and skip the sugary drinks." along with that, 1) Ban strange diets...there is always something new and extreme that promises "quick results" so you can get in "bikini shape in 6 weeks!". they might be great in the short term but they are doomed to fail, so a good practice to take it off and keep it off (weight mind you) is to eat healthy foods, smaller portions, and take your time! 2) Be more active, find some form of exercise you enjoy and do it every day for at least a 1/2 hour...oh so you cant find a 1/2 hour in your busy day, i will bet you can find it to watch the new episode of your favorite TV program! find a friend and exercise with them if it keeps you motivated and on track. (go to and search "staying active" for tips and suggestions) 3) Skip the sugary drinks...Water water water, drink it!! 4) Think before you eat, I read that most snaking is done when a person is actually dehydrated, and not necessarily hungry. the brain cannot differentiate the two easily so the craving begins. Before you snack on something unhealthy, drink a glass of water and see if that does not curb the craving. Ok the last part of this is what is "healthy food"?? Some experts say avoid grains, and go gluten free, your stomach will thank you. So will your waistline, as grains tend to be more calorically dense than other carb rich foods like say, fruits or veggies...For me I do still eat grain its whole grain and its much less than is "recommended". Thankfully, I don't have difficulty with gluten and have been able to find gluten free whole grain bread. Then there is the fat debate and then you have to wade through the viable protein conundrum.I tend to follow the food pyramid/plate pretty closely with some exceptions, i tend to lower the grain consumption, and increase fruits and veggies. I do intake beef protein (grass fed) and i do eat bacon, because bacon tastes good (and if its not processed its not bad for you). I have discovered that as a runner i need fat in my diet although generally it is good fat. I do cows milk sparingly, and tend to use Almond milk if i can find it. I drink ALOT of water. I tend to follow (most of the time) a simple rule of thumb, "whole natural foods, prepared with a minimal added sugar and saturated fats. I think the best thing i can do for my daughter is show her that healthy eating does not have to be boring or flavorless, show her that exercise can be fun and rewarding. I can also teach her that there are many different body shapes and sizes in the world and the pencil thin actress she sees on TV is not necessarily "Healthy" while the full figured one is "Fat". I don't need my daughter to be an athlete to be proud of her...i need her to be happy, and healthy. So to the guy who wrote the email to the New anchor woman to tell her she was fat and a bad example to female children...Get off the computer, shut off the TV an go be an example for your kids...That news lady is there to deliver the news, not be an example to my kids, that's my job, and yours!! That's just my take from my side of the start line, Thank you loyal reader! Run Happy!!