Friday, June 17, 2011

6 Miles...I should have stayed home...

Ok so during my friendly football game yesterday, I did something to my foot, I cannot quite figure out exactly what it is but it is a sharp pain when I pronate and both flex and extend...anyway, scientific crap aside, it hurts and I thought I could go out easy today and be fine, and I was wrong, the first time I rolled my foot a bit on some bumpy pavement I was in agony...i kept running, up the first hill...agony...kept would start to feel a bit better and then I would do something to tweek it again. I finished the 6 miles that I wanted to do, but I may not be able to go back out tomorrow, and I am hearing the voices of those that I have run with in the past saying, "dont be stupid", "rest", with as much pain as I am in right now I will heed the advice. I am happy in one sense that my running did not cause the injury, but sad in another as I was hoping to really stack up this week. Saturday morning looks like the ticket!
Really sad to miss the group run on sunday morning, but may be able to bring brenna down to the durianthon afterwards...we will see!! Loyal reader, Run Happy!

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