Friday, July 1, 2011

Wednesday on the Bike, Thurday 6.

So rather than have small blurbs, stating useless facts I figured I would do longer blurbs stating useless facts....So Wednesday is my long day as far as activity, so I try and stay off the road if I can, but I figured I would take the bike out and give it a go. I have never used clips before, and I am totally confused. I fell off the damn bike 2 times before I figured it all out, one time in front of one of the parking guys who did not quite know what to say I really enjoy the riding, but the traffic is a bit scary at times. It was a short ride, noting all that extravagant. good to get in some cross training though. So onto Thursday...I felt better during this 6 miles today and I am finding that my pacing is become more standard and predictable, that is a good was actually "cooler" this morning, with a bit of a breeze, the minute the sun came up though, it was hot, even with the breeze. I really do love the new loop I have come up with, through the youth par, hilly and shaded. The botanical gardens, hilly and shady...I like the lack of mechanized traffic. Ok now here is my "rant of the week". Why do people always have to put something else down, in order to sell their own product...i mean I am a pretty intelligent guy, so I understand the basic marketing strategies of this, but It is not a way to get me to buy into anything, be it a product or an idea...It sorta makes me think that what you are selling has no real value on its own without it being "better" than this other thing. Here is the point of my rant "Tough Mudder", ok I know its an amazing challenge. But why the "Marathons are Boring" sales pitch...Who are you trying to hook with that pitch, disgruntled marathoners...I don't think there is any such thing. I guess if you were board as a runner, this might hook you but I am not sure how. I get it...we are an adrenaline addicted society that often times has little outlet for all that pent up aggression, and there is a certain love affair hearkening back to childhood, with the idea of playing in the mud, getting dirty, and swinging from the monkey bars, its just not for me! Here is the other place they lose me, "come experience "military" obstacles". Look it takes a very special kind of person to join the military, someone who is willing to lay their life on the line defending our great nation, I have the deepest respect for those in the is not for me, it was not for me when I was 18, so it is not for me in my 40's either. I think it is great that you have designed a race around the British military training strategy, I think its awesome that 78% of the people who enter your race finish. I think it is truly great that there are more and more things available for couch potatoes to get their lazy asses off the couch and out doing something healthy...I GET the "run through fire and be a man"...the run through live electrical wires I don't get (that's more like an episode of jackass, in my opinion). I have no desire to do this kind of race and don't see how that makes me less of a man. Three and half years ago I was playing Ice hockey two days a week, riding a bike (sometimes), and I weighed 180lbs, now on my small build 5'6" from that was huge, the guys in the locker room called me "Slimer" you know the big fat ghost from "Ghostbusters" . I started running, dropped the weight got in shape and have never looked better, according to "Tough Mudder" though, I am a skinny freak, unless I run through fire, crawl in the mud, and get electrocuted...I don't see the Boston Marathon making fun of any of you...I don't see any race in the IronMan series cutting on the "Tough Mudders"....why, because those races don't have too, and that's the point of my rant...Be proud of your concept, and confident enough in the competitive nature of our society filled with adrenaline junkies, that it can stand on its own. So, while the "real" men and women of our great society will be running in tough mudders across the US and abroad, this "girly man" will continue his "boring" marathon training, and then move onto his boring triathlon training and someday, if the good lord willing and the creek don't rise, train for an Ironman...and when that day comes, I hope to see some of you tough mudders at the start line with me in Hawaii...tell ya what, if you join me in  one of the most grueling endurance events on the planet, I will come get burnt and electrocuted with you. No offense to any of my close friends, who are...In the military, or have been, have run in "tough mudder" races, like to get dirty, swing from monkey bars on occasion, set themselves on fire or who enjoy a good steak knife in a wall socket.

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