Friday, July 8, 2011

The dreaded tredmill!!

So with the air quality continuing to remain poor at best (even the paper is warning people to avoid outdoor activity) I could not take another day it was the treadmill or nothing. I walked down to the gym and hit the rubber band highway, for a quick 6 miles. Its not so much the physical value of the treadmill that gets me, its the never ending scenery, I like road running because the things that you see are consistently changing. On a treadmill its the same widow and the same view, boring!! On these particular treadmills the program will only allow for 30 min of running, That sucks too because I have to stop it, and reset it for another 30 min to get in my full workout (6 miles is about 50 min). Anyway, so I got in the work but i feel dirty for the experience, like I have cheated on my wife or something!! I ran today but it was not happy...sorry loyal reader.

1 comment:

  1. A few tips to help the time flow faster.
    1)Play with the speed a bit, like raising the pace 0.2kph every 5 mins or so.
    2)Check and correct your running form in the mirror.

