Saturday, May 31, 2014

Last races before the pain got to be too much.

The scene, mid 2013, registration had been done for two events, there was tremendous excitement. Running on The Great Wall of China, a dream realized!

Running in Sydney, Australia. finish line, the iconic Sydney Opera House, Epic!

Training began in earnest around November/December 2012, figuring on a May date for the Great Wall, and expecting a difficult uphill/steps race. The fact that we would be going back to Florida in December, was a welcome change. The chance for some cooler weather meant that training could really "kick up a notch" for those few weeks. Then...everything fell apart. I started experiencing the hip pain in late November 2012. Thinking it was just a symptom of the step up in training, hills and steps being worked in to the process. I just intensified my post workout recovery, Ice, rolling, neuromuscular work, compression. Thinking that would help, I continued the intensity. It did not help, in fact it got worse. As the date of The Great Wall Marathon (1/2 for me) drew near, I knew that in as much pain as I was I could not train properly, there was no way that I was going to miss the event, even if I had to walk  most of it. 
Undertrained, in pain, off to Beijing I went. It did not begin well with a seriously delayed flight into Beijing.i missed my pickup time at the airport. Finally got everything arranged and got to the hotel, so I could get 2-3 hours of sleep before a 3:00am call out to get on the bus to the site. The Huangyaguan Pass section of the Great Wall, Beijing China, overcast a slight drizzle and surprisingly warm temps made the outlook less than favorable. At this point all I wanted to do was finish before the cutoff.The race began with an uphill road course towards the entrance to the wall, mostly business and rural backroad. Then came the climb. difficult would be an understatement, and since to pain to flex at the hip was so great, I could not easily go up or come down some of the steeper sections. It came to a point at the top of one incline that I had to stop and try and get the bad leg to stop shaking. I also had some douchbag behind me breathing down my neck, like your going to win the thing asshole. I have determined that "tourist" races tend to bring out this particular form of A-Hole. The attitude is one of " I spent a great deal of money to come here so you all need to accommodate ME!" Nice. Anyway, the Wall itself was everything it was sold to be tough and unforgiving. Once off the wall however things did not get easier. the short road section was then replaced by a loose gravel/dirt track through the village. This was another different but equally challenging and unforgettable experience. Lots of locals out to watch the crazy runners. the cheered and the kids all wanted a high five, it was really great. Then the race ended with about a two mile section back on the road, i paced with a group for a little while, until the framing and pain became unbearable. I finished in just under 3 hours, which as undertrained and in pain as I was...pretty good. What an experience. If I had the chance I would love to do it again, healthy and having trained properly. 

Sydney Blackmores Running Festival 
22nd September 2013...This is one that I nearly passed on. We got a chance to go back to Florida over the summer, Brenna was out of school and Rox needed to travel for work to Mexico, so it was a good chance to get some Florida time during the summer months. I took it easy for a few weeks after Great Wall in May, so I was feeling...OK...not great and not better, but OK. I was back in the gym and was hoping that strengthening the muscles would help. Running back in Florida, fixed nothing, in fact, I think the excitement of being home and pushing it a bit hurt the process. I came back from that trip home in bad shape...I could not miss this race though. I did not skip it for 3 reasons....#1 it is a flat, almost downhill course, so even slow I could do ok. #2 it would be cool, so I would not overheat quickly and possibly avoid the cramping that has occurred in the higher temps. #3 this would be my last chance to do this race as we would be going back to the states permanent in July. So in pain and knowing that under normal circumstances this would be a race I could to Sydney I went. I love Sydney...Hell, I love Australia.I would live in Australia if I could, so getting a few more days there was worth it. Race day dawned..

It was cold...I mean COLD, which was nice to get some confidence. I was actually able to run well through the first 10k...the last 11k, terrible. It hurt and hurt badly at times. There were moments when it hurt to walk. I have never DNF'd a race and for a time it looked like this might be the first. I did finish, the disappointing thing is that I finished in under 2 hours, by my GPS and in 2 hours flat based on their timing. That is disappointing because my best 1/2 finish is 1:48. If I can run a sub 2 hour/2 hour 1/2 walking most of it, I could have PR'd this one for sure. 

So despite a disappointing finish and a real wake-up call that something is defiantly wrong...I did get a great ribeye at a little bistro on Circular Quay. Other than a 10k that I did in the US in December which was really bad, my racing and running ended not long after this. Surgery was in February and here we are. 

I have however been in the gym, doing my very basic 20% weight bearing core work on the stability ball. I have also been riding the stationary bike for 30 min 3-4 days per week. I am feeling stronger and there is no pain, which is good. I have signed up for a few local races in September to give me some motivation. I am also registered for the Charlotte NC 1/2 marathon in November, Gasparilla in February of 2015 and Sarasota 1/2 in March of 2015. I am praying I will be able to prepare for those properly. Thanks for reading, Run Happy!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Bla Bla Blah!!

I have been doing these "walk down memory lane" posts as of late...frankly, I'm getting bored with it...probably my adult ADHD. So I thought about offering an opinion on some topics that I have read about lately. Not that my opinion matters, but its my blog.
A big one has been the "cheating" that goes on in races, some of them fairly large and well known races (Boston Marathon for one). Now the cheating that I'm talking about is not, cutting corners or starting the race, then getting a lift from your buddy in his Prius to the last mile before the finish. This is the new trend of copying race bibs that were bought and paid for by another and then running the event with that number. First of all, i don't get it? if your not going to win the damn race or possibly place in your age group, not sure what the purpose is. Sure you can get a nice medal and maybe drink a free beer post race, which is a loss for the race director from the standpoint that you did not pay into the event but you are getting the "perks". So is that the motivation, to thumb your nose at race directors by taking something you did not pay for (petty theft? sounds like it to me).
Could it be a larger protest over the exclusionary criteria for some races?  If you really feel that the only way to "qualify" for something that you obviously cannot under the rules that are set out, is to cheat (and cheat by having to run a distance of more than 10K) than you clearly have issues. Could it be a silent protest against the rising fees for the larger races (Chicago Marathon $185 for a US resident and $210 for a non resident). "Because i cannot find a way to afford the fees for your race, I will cheat my way into the event and get all the perks anyway...Ha ha!" This although a really crappy attitude, and certainly not a way to decrease fees, it does hold within it a reasonable argument, races are expensive, especially the larger city races. Don't even get me started on the "Rock and Roll" series and Disney Marathon weekend...Holy $135 for a 10K batman! There is a solution for this though and it is one that I have implemented in the past. Do one or two of these larger more expensive races a year, save your money by participating in local races, will some of those be expensive, yes they will but not $200 expensive....The local organizers will appreciate your participation, which will in turn increase the notoriety of their event, possibly drawing in more sponsor money so they can keep their fees low...My opinion...better than cheating.

I saw an article a week or two ago, that asked a simple question "Should prayer be done at the start line of races." Now this is not your own silent conversation with the god of your understanding, Your own request for safety, quickness and a "good race". It does not matter what you ask for, I would never impinge on your right to ask for it. This question involves the Race coordinator having a prayer as a formal part of the race start. Now I can appreciate the national anthem being sung at the start line. I feel that that has been a part of races (athletic events in general) as long  as i have been doing them, its usually done by a local singer and, for me, it gets the blood going right before the horn sounds, I mean if "for the land of the freeeeeee and the home of the braaaaave" does not get you pumped, nothing will. I have never participated in a race that has had a pre-start blessing or prayer. To be honest I'm not religious enough to care either way, I would not avoid a race that did it and would not refuse to participate in one that did not. First of all, I feel that it should be a private conversation. Secondly, the start of a race is a high energy time, not a time for introspection and calm (unless thats part of your pre race routine), I don't feel it fits. Lastly, I think the role of a race director or coordinator is to offer a safe environment to engage in a competitive athletic event, not to push a particular religious agenda...unless the race that your running is sponsored by a church, a religious based charity, or indicates by name that it has some religious affiliation, for example, at the "lord and savior 10K". I would expect a prayer or blessing. The "down and dirty 5K", not so much. I guess for me, when I stand at that start line, I look around and I see runners, I don't care who your god is. The moment we bring religion into the equation, you divide and label...I don't think that belongs in an athletic event.
As stated above, just my opinion.

Well, on a personal note, my recovery is progressing, i am in the gym 5 days a week splitting time between a core workout on the stability ball (non weight bearing) and 30 min on the stationary bike. It curbs a bit of my desire to go go go, and is preparing me for what hopefully will be the ok to full weight bearing in June. I need to get ready for the Thunder Road 1/2 marathon in Charlotte NC in November.

Thanks for reading, RUN HAPPY!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

A look back: TNF Singapore 25K

I gotta tell you, its really hard to find a single event to cover while I recover. I knew that I would not be doing much running during this 6 months following the 2nd surgery. We are also planning our move back to Florida in July.
I have been involved in so many great, memorable and well run events in late 2012 early 2013. The North Face Singapore 25k is an event that also included a 50k and a 100k. It is the longest competitive event I have ever done, period. A half-marathon is 21K, so this is longer than that.
Prior to this though there was....
Chung Ling Cross Country: I was not a runner in this, I was the photog. The race is open to those of Chinese descent only and has been going on now for 56 years!! I love the tradition of this race and the venue is the High School of the same name, one of the oldest schools in Penang (1917). Really cool to be involved in a tradition like this.

Larian Hijau MPSP 1/2 Marathon: Not a great race especially after the timing of my Australian Half. Lots and lots of friend though, which always makes any event much more fun!

Delta Eco Night Run: Youth Park Penang Location, about 1.5 miles from home. Lots of friends, really cool medal, challenging course. Rox and Brenna could come to the race and watch as it was a night race.

Adidas King of the Road Kuala Lumpur: Nice course, Cool accommodations, a hotel/mall combo. The Mall had a small ice rink that was hosting an ice hockey tournament the same weekend. One of my better runs at longer than 10K distance. Oh yeah, there was a cow...

Then came this North Face Run.

I was nervous about the distance and even more concerned about the race start time. 7:30AM in Singapore it like 85 degrees already. I thought that spending time in the shade it would be better...I was wrong. I had no goal for this race other than finishing, hoping to finish under the cutoff (4:30). I did much better than that at a 3:27 finish. This was the first race where I had ever worn a hydration pack, it did not work well for me, I have one bad shoulder, and it started to bother me pretty quick. This was the first race that was really a struggle for me physically as well not only with the discomfort from the pack, I was not ready for the physical challenge of the heat, difficult course conditions and my physical difficulty following a downhill stumble early on. I discovered a need to use sodium replacement during a race and that despite the face that HEED from Hammer nutrition works really well for me. It is not a good idea to try a product (even if its from the same company) during a race having never used it before. So with the sodium loss, mild dehydration due to the heat, hip pain from the stumble and the cramping that came up around 21K....I REALLY struggled. I was not happy with my overall time, but with as much difficulty as I had in this race, I was happy to finish at all.  This was a great memory for me because it was the longest distance I have ever done and despite problems I was able to push through. Good times!! Run Happy

Thursday, May 1, 2014

A look back: Tears at the finish.

So we move forward to July 2012, a full year after my accident and a solid 6 months after I was cleared to run. With a few races under my belt, including a 47:00 10K in Singapore, some significant training using my Hansons program. I was ready to take a much longer flight and head out of Malaysia for a race. This time it was with my two favorite ladies. I don't get to run much over hear with Rox and Brenna watching, mostly due to the ungodly race start times. This was a race in Hunter Valley, NSW Australia. We decided to "bookend" the race with some time in Sydney. This would have been our first time in Australia, we were very excited. The Hunter Valley running festival included a 1/2 marathon, full marathon, and 10k. The entire course is set along 3-4 wineries, the douse is also mixed track, with grassy parts, loose stone and hard roadway. I also heard that the race has its own "heartbreak hill" a solid 1/2 mile uphill stretch at about the half way point. I was nervous about both the terrain and the threat of a serious hill.
We had a great time in the vacation portion and Sydney is a fantastic city. Two days before the race, we headed out to the Newcastle area, and had a great time there as well. Newcastle is a beachside city, with some great organic restaurants and a fairly young population. I gotta say, one thing we miss s a really great salad, we found many places throughout Australia where we could get just that, a great salad. The day before the race it was cold, windy and raining, if that weather continued I would be in some trouble. the last cold weather race i ran was late 2010. I did bring some 3/4 tights and arm warmers, but if I had to deal with wind driven rain and cold...I might not be prepared.
Raceday! we got up really early, for a 30min or so drive to the race (Brenna was not happy). When we got to the venue, it was COLD, I would say 45 degrees Fahrenheit. It was also windy with a light drizzle. the hope was, as the sun came up it would get a bit warmer and maybe chase the rain. I had chosen the half marathon and was nervous about the distance and if I would really be ready for this after only a few months of really disciplined training. The running gods we kind, at race time it was a cool 50 degrees Fahrenheit, and the rain and wind had all but gone.
Once i started, all that nervousness and concern went away. It was not a huge race so it was easy to stay free from the crowd, yet it was attended well enough to keep you with other runners on the course. With a race course I know, i will just go at my pace and not worry. If i don't know the course I will usually try and find a group or a single runner that is at my pace, and stay with them. I had to do this a few times, as I would lose them or they would lose me. Then came the hill...holy crap...the one thing i can say, is that I did not walk...not once...
Up the hill
After the hill it flattened out again and there were some downhill sections. This was a beautiful course, ver little of it along major roadways, most of it through well maintained gravel maintenance roads though picturesque woodland. As the miles ticked off and I was able to maintain pace, I actually began to consider the possibility of a PR. Now I did not have grand aspirations, I really did not. I had not run well in the months prior to this and although a 47:00 10k is not bad its not the 45-46:00 I was running in Florida, and certainly not the 43:00 PR I had run a month before coming to Penang. My best time in a 1/2 marathon was 1:47:08, way back in 2010 with my first year running. I really thought I could come close to that though with the pace i was maintaining, how good my legs felt and the distance i had left. That excitement was my undoing...I pushed and paid for it. I can remember coming around the last turn, looking at my watch and saying to myself, "come on man you can do this!" Crossing the finish line...looking at my watch...and looking over at my wife, who had stuck by me all these months through hospital stays, crutches, DR visits and rehab, she had tears in her eyes, my daughter had a big smile and I could not help but cry a few tears myself. Not only did I finish the race, but I came in at 1:48.........:22. I missed a PR by a full minute. A small part of me cared, knowing that pre-accident me could have done the race a good deal faster, but this was my new  reality. If the "new me" could run close to what I was running in the first year that I started to run, then this me was ahead of schedule. It was a very happy day to know that I was...well...Back.

The day was great, This would be a race I would love to do again, although this year I will not be able to, maybe I will win the lottery and come back in 2015....that would be sweet! Thank you loyal reader for continuing to follow along with this walk down memory lane, not much longer now before we are back on US soil....wonder if Rox an I will ever find ourselves saying "we will always have Sydney", Oh and a great bottle of Shiraz 2009...and cheese. Yeah races at wineries rock!

Run Happy!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

A look back: post surgery, "this, that and a terrible 15k"

Well as we get closer to our Penang exit date, I am continuing to review a few milestones in my running adventure here in Malaysia. After 7 months of recovery from my broken hip and wrist, I got back on the road starting in February of 2012. With a few local races (under 10k)under my belt, I jumped on an Air Asia flight to Kuala Lumpur. This would be my first time traveling alone to an event since we arrived here in Malaysia in March of 2011. I went on the cheap and booked a B&B that was as close as I could get to the Malaysian F1 track. Sepang International Circuit was the site for this 15K/Marathon. I got a chance to meet up with some folks from Penang when I got to the race, also checked out the Brooks booth and met some of the local Brooks guys. I did not however check out the course pre-race, but figured, "how bad could it be?" I got my answer when I hit the first of 3 steep inclines. Having only been back running for 2 months I was in no way ready for the hills or the combination of hills and heat. My breathing was really poor, I got winded quick. By the time I finally hit the track itself, I was about done and my legs were sore and screaming. I finished the race and although it felt good to get a distance longer than 10k under my belt, it was awful!

The good thing about this was not to be able to say "I'm Back" other than I am back from sitting on my ass to being able to finish a 15K. It was about putting out of my mind that a distance longer than 10k was going to be out of the question on this hip. The confidence was good as there were some big races coming up I did not want to miss, and I could begin to tailor my training to get the maximum benefit out of the training runs I would be doing. To sum up, my newly repaired hip did well and I was happy to be able to chalk up a new running experience. I have never flown to a race before and never stayed anywhere without my family prior to a race. That is what has made this experience in Penang such a blessing. When I started running back in 2009, I did not think it would ever be something like what it has become. I figured it would be a nice hobby, something that would keep me in shape and keep my competitive mind satisfied. Never did i think i would be running in exotic locals, have to chance to meet and befriend the wonderful folks i have. So I hope you continue with me down memory lane loyal reader, the best is still to come! Run Happy!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

A look back: The Accident 19/7/2011

Our first few months here in Penang were a complete immersion in the culture, I had a group of new active friends, Rox was getting immersed in the job and Brenna was getting involved in her school and meeting new friends as well.
The group of friends I had were not only runners, but also Cyclists. We had been told that cycling was not an activity that was done in Penang, so I sold my bike before we left the states. For fathers day, Roxanne bought new a new bike so I could join some of the rides. I went full on road bike and got the shoes and everything. Now clipping in was a new thing for me, so I had to practice a lot before I felt confident enough to to the bike out. Early in July of 2011 the group had decided on a long ride to Balik Pulau, I decided to join in.

Somewhere between stopping for breakfast and passing the dam in Teluk Bahang, I wrecked. To this day I still have no memory of what happened, did I get hit by a car, did I make a mistake and turn where I should not have....I guess I will never know. I went over an embankment on the road side and somehow managed to climb back to the roadside (with the bike still clipped to my right leg) and flag down a couple who went down into town and flagged the friends I had to come back and get me. After a phone conversation with Roxanne that I don't remember having, an ambulance ride to Penang General hospital that I don't remember taking, and an admission I don't remember any details about.

I was stitched up large cut on my forehead (14 stitches), my broken right wrist was x-rayed and stabilized and my right hip was x-rayed...after some tense moments on the ward, we were told the hip needed surgery, but it would not be till the next day when we could be given a date for the surgery. Although the care i received at the general hospital was very good, my window for saving my hip was closing, so Rox had me moved to Gleneagles, a private hospital not far from the public facility. That morning around 1:0am I had my hip and wrist repaired. With 3 inch metal pins holding my wrist back together and a hard cast for extra stability, 3 screws holding my hip back together, I was in for 5 days of hospitalization, other than the food, the care was excellent.

It was not until late August that the cast came off my wrist. It was early October when I was able to begin rehab, December when I could begin weight bearing exercise, and February of 2012, when the doctor cleared me to begin running again. So this was a complete restart for me, after getting myself to a desirable fitness level, and beginning to age group place in some races, I was back at the beginning. I could not think of a better place to be though. With heat support and healing vibes, I was back at the start line in mid March of 2012, here in Malaysia, and then did my first travel race in late May....those are stories for another time. As I am off my feet again for another few months and our time here in Penang winds down, I will be looking back at a few milestones...hope you come along for the trip down memory lane. As always, thank you loyal reader...Run Happy!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

It all began at Youth Park...

When I arrived, I don't think I ever expected to feel like Penang was home, as much as I do now. It will be bittersweet when August arrives and we are on that plane back to the states for good. I have some time on my hands now, with my invalid status and only the gym to keep me company (well, not this week as both Roxanne and Brenna are home). I have decided that I will spend a few posts over the next 2 months looking back at my time here in Penang, the wonderful people I have had the pleasure to meet and get to know and the events I have been privileged to participate in.
I can very clearly remember signing up for the Penang Bridge Half marathon in the first week we were here. a trip to Queensbay mall, resulted in seeing the Marathon kiosk and grabbing an application. I also remember finding the I-Run penang group, online. i also remember asking questions and finding where and when the group met for runs, i think Andrew Loh was the first person i talked to online (it could have been Chun How Lee....not sure, please forgive an old mans poor memory). I did join some group runs early on and felt very welcomed by the running community here. The first real running friend that I can remember meeting at and doing a race with was Thuan Lin Goh. The event was the ASPCA 10k held at Penang Youth park on 26, May 2011, I was terrified of the heat, and what it would do to my race ability. I had also spent limited time in this area of Penang prior to this race...I was also really excited! I ran pretty well, It was indeed hot and humid, but amazing to be running a race in a place that was so far from home. The one thing i can say id that despite the distance from home, the act of running in a race felt so familiar to me that I just leaned on that familiarity. Thuan gave me some pointers ahead of time as well, so i was ready. I ran the 10k in 46:50 which was not bad for me and I found myself in the top 10 in the Veteran Category...not a bad start.

I can tell you that the people i met that night have become some of the closest friends i have in my life right now. what a beginning this was to what would be my lives greatest adventure!
I will continue to rewind the clock and look back at some of my adventures here in Penang and this part of the planet. Loyal reader, i hope you will join me as I look back.
Run Happy!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Good and bad...a resignation.

It has been 2 months, since the surgery. The pain in my hip is gone, I have good range of motion in the joint, and I really don't feel like I have a problem, so its hard to be inactive and on crutches. I went back for my first X-Ray since the procedure yesterday. The news was not bad, but it was not good either.
The "not bad" part is that the X-Ray looked good, the "necrotic island" that had been there back in February is gone, and there seems to be new vascularization in the femoral head. I can also do 20% weight bearing exercise. so all that is good. The bad is that I can do no stretching in the joint, I also have a further 3 months to wait for another X-Ray, and clearance from the doctor to get back to physical exercise. That puts me in July sometime before I can even begin to run...

That makes me very sad, so many of the relationships that I have here and the friends I have made, I met through running, I was hoping to get a chance to run with them all again. I will continue to hope for the chance....

Run Happy!

Bad news...

Well the visit to doctor was not good...I found out that my pain was due to necrosis of the femoral head of my right hip. I have been given two options:

1. A procedure called a core decompression, where the internal portion of the femur is drilled out allowing the re-establishment of blood vessels to that area. The assumption is that the return of vascularization to the head of the femur did not take place following the repair back in 2011 following the accident. The procedure often involves a bone graft, the grafting can be done two ways, with a vascular graft taken from the Fibula which re-establishes its own blood supply to the femur. This is a complicated surgery and is not done often. The second option is a non-vascularized graft, normally taken from the iliac crest of the pelvis (that is where mine came from). The last part that does not seem to be a normal part of procedure protocol in the US is the inclusion of Stem Cell therapy. The hope is that the re-vascularization of the femoral head will discontinue the necrosis and in a perfect world, reverse it. 

2. A full hip replacement. I didn't like (and did not choose) this option. it astounds me, that the technology in hip replacement is so "dark ages" We continue to use non compatible materials which wear over time and do not allow a hip replacement recipient to engage in high levels of impact related activity. With new plastic and fiberglass technology, I wonder why it has not been used to improve this particular procedure. It has however gained some progress as it had always been done with a lateral insertion in the quadriceps, new procedures involve an anterior  insertion, which cuts the recovery time in half (based on internet data and reports). I also discovered that many people continue to run following a replacement, they give up durability of the replacement, for enjoyment of the activity they love (that would be my position as well).

I picked choice #1, quality health care that is affordable, makes taking a chance on a long shot procedure possible.  So, on February 12 I go under the knife again, with a further 3 months on crutches....I was really hoping for one more run here in Penang, with the friends i have met here, as a way of saying goodbye...that hope may be lost, which saddens me...I will continue to hang onto the possibility, and the larger picture of avoiding a replacement hip. 
Thanks loyal reader, Run Happy...for me.

Back to Florida for Christmas

Our Annual trek back to florida is here again. We are excited to go home and I am hopeful that the hip pain I am experiencing, will ease. I have decided to run in a 10k while I m home, it is a race that I have done before and came in 3rd in my age division way back when. I also asked a friend to run it with me. I was hoping for cool weather and a fun run. I got 1.5 of that, the weather was cool in the early morning, it warmed up as the sun came up. I also had my two girls with me, which does not happen much in Malaysia, mostly because races begin so early in the morning. Races in the US usually begin at 7:00am, so the girls could come and watch.

The pain I was experiencing did not go away, and I woke the morning of the race, very sore. I decided that I would run anyway and walk when necessary. I love the race route, over Clearwater bridge, through the little oceanside town just over the bridge...its just a really nice run, for a cause that is very near and dear to my heart.

I walked a good portion of the race because of the pain, I did finish, and in under 1 hour, which historically is very poor for me...I think I have a rather serious physical problem, i don't think this is a muscle issue any longer. when i return to Penang i will need to go back to my doctor and see what is going on. Loyal readers, thanks for reading! Run Happy!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year! Looking forward to a better 2014!

Hello, not that 2013 was necessarily was just not my best year of running, it was a great year in many other aspects. As this is my running blog, I have to say, for a runner....not a god year. It was the year of the Great Wall, Sydney and New Zealand. It was a year that I really missed running wit the group of running friends I have come to enjoy. I missed SCKL, I missed Penang Bridge, I missed the Penang Round Island for everything I did have a chance to do this year, those are some things i missed. With our Return home date sometime in July or August, There will not be time to do those things again. sad face.
So we are rounding out our 3 Christmas journey home (US home), which brings us back to St. Pete, Florida, which is a great city to run in....I mean look at this.

Getting to run past that in perfect 60 degree Fahrenheit weather, its just the best. It also brings us to Roxanne's dads place in Lake Alfred, Florida, another great spot to get in a run. Then to Roxanne's moms place in Lakeland, Florida where I can hit Lake Hollingsworth, also a fantastic venue to run at. finally we round our trip out at my parent's place in Lake Worth, Florida. A bit warmer, but still got in some runs, with a day left to go, maybe one more to start 2014 off right.

Most of the time when I come home the racing season is on hiatus for the holidays, and there are events before we get here and then after we leave. This year, one of my favorite races, The "Say no to drugs" 10k, was going on on the 21st December. I was able to get ahold of a fiend of mine, Tony , and asked if he would like to run. Tony is someone i have known for a long time, and to watch him become the man he has is a very proud thing for me. Tony's story is one of challenge and success, and he is one of those people that I gain strength from. The chance to run a race with him is awesome.
As things often go however, at the race start we could not connect. along the way I would wait for him (and allow my hip to get a rest). as it was we finished not too far apart. A great time made better because my lovely wife and daughter could actually watch me run!!

So thank you Tony for leaving me with one last great memory from 2013. this will be a good one!

Finally as this FLrunner closes 2013, I wanted to say thank you to all the friends i have made in Penang and the surrounding areas of Malaysia. It has been a fantastic 3 years, you all have given me some great memories, I am proud to call you friend, I will miss you all dearly. Although we still have 8 months till our departure from Penang permanently. I can say that with as much pain as I have been in I am not sure how involved in regular events I will be. I made this video, more for me, but also as a thank you to all of you.

Thank you to my loyal readers, you are few but strong. I appreciate your support, see you in 2014 with some new stories, less pain and a more motivated running outlook. RUN HAPPY!