Sunday, April 15, 2012

Annual Round the Houses Relay

Another Sunday and another race! So this was a fun concept and something i have never done before. A relay. It consisted of a team of 8 runners, each running 1.5 miles along a simple loop, beginning at the Penang polo club. According to one of my friends in I-run  Mrs.Ding Ding Heng, this is a race that has been going on since she was young, so there is some deep tradition with this particular event. I was placed on a team and although I did not know any of my teammates, except for Mr. Steve Baron, it was a good chance to meet some of the I-run people that I had not met. I figured that even though my Hansons training had me doing a five mile easy run today, this event was too much fun to pass up, and i really wanted to see if i could do a sub 6:00 mile, especially with only 2 real months of running since being cleared by the doctor. Well to be honest i pulled it off with a 10:57 finish time for 1.57 miles, it was close but i did it, (6:58 pace) and it feels good.

I always want to do better but sometimes its the little victories that give you motivation to continue. today i felt like I won one, even though the team came in 5th out of five, it was a great effort by everyone, and I-run as a whole had another great showing, especially the I-run ladies! I-run took 8th and 12th out of 19 in the Men's open category, a highly competitive grouping.  1st and 3rd in the women's open category, some great runners in both of those groups, congrats ladies! 3rd and 5th in the Junior Veteran category, again some great runners in both groups, if i do say so myself and 1st and 5th in the Senior Veteran group, congrats gentlemen, Well done all I-run runners, no matter where you placed! The event was well run, especially attempting to run a relay on the road and not a track. This group of organizers seems to be in charge of quite a few races and they always do very well. So to sum it up this was a fun run, challenge completed, and good friends and good times is a great way to spend a day.
Team Blue
Next week its onto KL and the Energizer night run...15k of pure brutality...I only hope i dont DNF...not sure if i am ready for the distance....wish me luck loyal reader, and most of all RUN HAPPY!!

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