Monday, September 12, 2011

Tourism Taiping Heritage Run 2011.

So its been 10 years since that terrible day when fear and hatred became the norm for Americans, when we were witness to events that we thought possible only in our nightmares. Some lost friends, relatives and family who did nothing more that day than get up and go to honor this I went to this run, knowing that i could not run in it, but feeling the need to support a fellow I-run member and a friend who was one of the organizers, and a friends who were running (My friend Thuan was going as were some of the I-run group.) I felt a strong need today to be surrounded by friends and family and the activity I love most. I was worried as Taiping is one of the if not the wettest cities in Malaysia, everyone says it rains there all the time, and Saturday when we arrived was no exception. We checked into the hotel and our friend Thuan took us around to some of the sites, and we also grabbed some lunch at a local hawker!! Very good!! Dinner was simple with a pizza hut just down the street. Although it was raining on the morning of 11 September (fitting, don't you think) we walked and hobbled down to the race site/finish line. We got the chance to see a few of the I-run group and our friend Thuan finish...Everyone did so well despite the soggy conditions, and I got to see our friends Karen and James, as well as watch Bee Hong, and Jin Ji finish the race! I have found that runners are a very special group of people, i think because of the personal nature of our accomplishments and struggles, we feel a certain kinship to one another. although running is not often a team sport I often feel that my goals are accomplished with those around me...The guy/gal that comes in first, motivates me to be better, because I feel (and not in a condescending egotistical way) that I am just like them, so I will train harder to compete better next time. It is the same as the person who comes in last, that person motivates me to train harder and be better, because (lets face it ) I don't want to be last! To a larger degree though because it takes tremendous courage to be the last finisher...think about how much internal fortitude it takes to cross that finish line last...those are the real hero's on race day!! I say this because even though I was probably the strangest thing most people saw at that race that day (guy on crutches). I got more smiles and had more strangers shake my hand and ask me what had happened. I love the club I am in, not only will we run on a day that is better for ducks than people, we will get up at 5:15AM on a Sunday to do it!! We will even get up at 6:30AM to watch others do it!! That's the kind of society we are, this society of Runners, there is no race, no creed, no color...if your a runner your in!! We don't care if your a trail runner, a barefoot runner, a slow or a fast runner (although you muddy buddy and adventure race might need your own society...but we will put it up for a vote, if you want in) we don't care, you are welcome here, sit down...have some water and a banana...Gu?? no?? ok... I have decided to remake the Emma Lazarus Sonnet "New Colossus", its inscribed on a plaque on the Statue of Liberty, you know, "Give me your tired, your poor...". My version goes ""Give me your tired, your sore, Your slow and steady, your wickedly fast and moderately pacing yearning to a personal best. The Trail runner, ultra marathoner, relay team member, and soul runner who does not care for time and score.Send these, the sun burned, rain soaked, wind blown, and snow chilled to us, I lift my voice and hands to cheer and rejoice beside the "finish line"!

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