Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Tanjung 10km Run, November 10, 2012

Ok so this was supposed to be a good prep for the Penang Bridge 1/2 Marathon, and it would have been if i had spent any time training consistently over the last 2 months...I have actually been slacking pretty bad, now in my defense we have been traveling over the last 2 months quite a bit, but no excuses...So this is a smaller race but seeped in tradition i think as I did see some folks with T-shirts that were a few years old...The Fellowship of the Run, was out in full force for this one and that makes for a very competitive outing, so i had no visions of grandure, this was going to be fun!

Race course was good, nice and flat and through some areas of town that I don't get see much.For me the local, smaller races are very fascinating here in Penang. First of all, the medals are often really nice, second, the support is really good considering its a smaller event, Third, the public, going about their normal morning business, often has the strangest look about them as this big group goes running by...Which brings me to another huge difference between running a race at home and running one here, no difference does not imply better or worse, just different. At home the route is usually closed to traffic in some capacity, here you generally run with traffic. There is cross street support from local law enforcement usually, but open road is you, me and the traffic, and during this race, i lost it on some poor guy, went totally New York on him...i mean I am as far over to the shoulder as a can be and he got REALLY close...he turned ahead of me and I caught up there and after a few not so kind words I told him that he really did not need to be that close...i mean if i moved left because of debris on the shoulder, he would have hit me...Anyway, it was a fun race and I did ok. It was to have been a 10k but it was more like a 5.4 mile run...i did it in 44:35. I felt ok, but still dealing with a hamstring/quad problem, so more sore than i should be...

Anyway Good times, and now we head off to Hong Kong for 5 days, i should be able to get in a few runs there before Penang Bridge...i just hope I can run off this soreness....Thanks for being there loyal reader..Run Happy!!

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