Friday, May 18, 2012

Weekly summary...bit late

So I will talk about the two weeks since my last post...May 7, easy 5 miles, done at an 8 min per mile pace...I want to say that it was cool and a really nice day to run, hence the better than normal I have to say that this run gave me a huge jolt of energy. Tuesday, it rained almost the whole day, so I used it as a day off and to do some core work. moved the speed work to Wednesday and that is where things got bad, it was supposed to be another 10 mile total, with the fist and last 2 miles being cool down and warm up, and the middle 6 consisting of 5x 1000 meters, with a 400 meter cool down in between each....well i made it through the first set, and started to cramp halfway through the second...the skies began to threaten so i called it a the disappointment and second guessing starts...should I have stopped or just sucked it up, challenged the pain and finished it...can i really do this and is a 1/2 marathon in 3 weeks just asking for trouble? So I took Thursday which should have been a tempo day, off. Ran 5 miles Friday, 6 miles Saturday with my good friend Thuan there to push me (it helped). Both days that was the required distance, when it came time for the long 10 miles on Sunday, I was burnt and made a slow 6 miles. So my pace is not getting better it is getting worse, I am more tired on the runs i am doing and stopping to walk more than ever. So I shot off a quick email to my coach Luke Humphries and to some other experts i know of. I went back to it on Monday 14/05...with what was supposed to be an easy 7 miles shortened to an easy 5. I was again finding myself needing the ice packs and compression, so i bagged the speed work all together on Tuesday and took my usual day off on Wednesday and then back to it yesterday (Thursday) with what should have been an easy 6...I broke it into two parts though, getting a top up on water before finishing the last 1.5 miles. Adding to my frustration, I forgot to turn back on my watch during a traffic stop and ran a mile or so with no data to show for it...I am beginning to lose my motivation. Got an Answer from Luke who offered some good suggestions, slowing down the easy runs, using the speed work as a regular run day to build volume and strength and look to the race in Australia in July as a fun race more than a PR opportunity. As for the Sundown race in Singapore next weekend and SCKL in June, he suggested using both as training runs and not look to kill time on It looks like any shot i have to be the runner I once was here in Penang and actually run a race like I am capable of, or rather, was capable of will have to wait until November and Penang Bridge. So No PR or PB in site only HTF's (happy to finish) which is going to be a character building experience for me. I will now begin my taper before next weeks Singapore race and pray that I can finish it, and at least maintain some level of respect and dignity. Loyal reader RuN HaPpY!!!   

Monday, May 7, 2012

Another week of training in the books.

OK, so I have to say that in the last two weeks i have done more weekly miles than i have ever done as a runner, even before my accident, This past week it was 29 miles total for the week and the week before that it was 30. In summary my week began with an easy 4 miles. Tuesday, speed work that should have covered 10 miles, but the monsoon chased me inside at 5 miles, Wednesday off, Thursday Tempo run covering 7 miles, which I could not get in, mostly due to being way too sore, but the weather did not help either, 4 miles Friday, 6 miles Saturday and 10 miles Sunday, which was more like 9.5, as I was again trapped by mother nature. I mean it rains nasty in Florida, but Penang rain storms are different somehow, there is almost no warning. Anyway so there you have it. This week has begun with a bang, a 5 miler to begin the week and let me tell you today was beautiful, it was actually cool (I mean temperature wise) and because of the temp, I was actually a bit quicker than normal. Tomorrow is the big test though, another speed day and now my speed work covers a 1 mile distance...not looking forward to it! I will talk more about this weeks training next week, i also have a new bitch and moan, drivers who have zero respect for anyone but themselves, my current count for "almost being a hood ornament for a proton" is now at 5, with today's close call the closest yet, which brought me to confront said young and stupid drivers with a hearty "Thanks for almost hitting me, Motherfucker!" not that it made any difference at all, but it made me feel good! Well loyal reader, till next time, Run Happy (unless you are almost hit and killed by a proton, then scream at the driver, who could care less and then Run Happy)